Lambasingi, the only place in South India that receives snowfall during the winters, lies about 100 km away from the city of Vishkhapatnam in the Chintapalli Mandal. This quaint little village of Lambasingi also known as Lammasingi is surrounded by towering hills, lush greenery and dense forests. Climate of Lambasingi Lambasingi records less than 5 degree Celsius even in seasons other than the winter months. The wind from the forest of Lambasingi and the mountains blowing from Chintapalli become stable at Tajangi valley because of dense trees and water resources. Tourism of Lambasingi Away from the hustle and bustle of city life, this picturesque village is now being developed by the Andhra Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation (APTDC) as an ecotourism destination. Listed below are some of the prime tourist attractions of Lambasingi Thajangi Reservoir: A mini reservoir that is just 6 km away from Lambasingi.. The landscapes with hills in...